Англійські вірші про зубах. Poems about teeth


Відео: Brush Your Teeth Song | Good Habits Nursery Rhymes For Children | ChuChu TV

Although He Did not Like the Taste

Although he did not like the taste,
George brushed his teeth with pickle paste.
Not ever was his mouth so clean,
Not ever were his teeth so green.

Відео: Tooth Brushing Song by Blippi | 2-Minutes Brush Your Teeth for Kids


Your teeth are important - they help you to chew,
They help you to smile and say, "How do you do?"
Be sure to take care of them morning and night
By brushing and flossing, you`ll keep your teeth bright.


My Toothbrush

I have a little toothbrush.
I hold it very tight.
I brush my teeth each morning,
and then again at night.
I go brush, brush, brush
And rinse, rinse, rinse,
And then when they`re all clean
I will blow you a kiss.


Відео: Англійська з мамою. Чистимо зуби по-англійськи. Англійська на кожен день.

My Teeth

Can you see my teeth?
I use them to chew.
I chew things like carrots
so my teeth stay like new.

Can you see my teeth?
I use them to bite.
I bite things like apples
so my teeth will stay white.

Can you see my teeth?
I use them to speak.
I say "t" and "f"
every day of the week.

Can you see my teeth?
I use them to smile.
I brush until my grin
is as wide as a mile!


Відео: Brush Teeth (Чистити зуби) / Англійська для дітей

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