Англійські вірші про книгу. Poems about books


My Book

Відео: Діти читають розвиваючу книгу і розповідають вірші Kids reading educational book and reciting poems

I did it!
I did it!
Come and look at what I`ve done!
I read a book!
When someone wrote it
Long ago
For me to read,
How did he know
That this was the book
I`d take from the shelf
And lie on the floor
And read by myself?
I really read it!
Just like that!
Word by word,
From first to last!
I`m sleeping with
This book in bed,
This is the FIRST book
I`ve ever read!



The more you read,
The more you know.

Відео: Video poetry Book Nadezda Fianu poet

The more you know,
The smarter you grow.

The smarter you grow,
The stronger your voice,

When speaking your mind
or making your choice.


Відео: Поганий випадок Stripes | АНГЛІЙСЬКА Історія | АУДІО КНИГА ДЛЯ ДІТЕЙ |

Now That I Can Read

I used to need somebody
To sit and read to me.
I`d look at every page they read
And listen carefully.

But now that I am in first grade,
I`m filling up a shelf
With stories, poems, and other books
That I can read myself.


Відео: заморожені Дісней історія книги для дітей | АНГЛІЙСЬКА | АУДІО КНИГА ДЛЯ ДІТЕЙ |

Learning to Read

I`m trying hard to learn to read
But what`s a kid to do
When there`s a NO and a GO and a
SO and a HO
And then there`s a word like TO!

Reading BONE and CONE and LONE
and TONE
Can almost be kind of fun,
But I get upset when I have to believe
That D-O-N-E spells DONE!

It`s plain to see a kid like me
Sure needs a helping hand.
No matter how much I really try
I Just do not understand.

I`m trying hard to learn to read.
Somehow that`s what I`ll do.
But for now if you`ll just read to me
Someday I`ll read to you.


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