Англійські вірші про риб. Poems about fish

Англійські вірші про риб. Poems about fishВірші для дітей про риб розкажуть про водному світі і всім, що в ньому відбувається.

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive;
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let him go again.
Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so!
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on the right!


Little Colour Fish

Five little fishies swimming near the shore.
The red snapper took a bit and then there were four.
Four little fishies swimming in the sea.
The orange roughy fish swam away and then there were three.
Three little fishies in the ocean blue.
The pink salmon took a seahorse ride and then there were two.
Two little fishies swimming in the sun.
The yellow perch swam too far and then there was one.
One little blue marlin, now you`re all alone.
I`ll put you in my gold fish bowl and take you home.


Five Little Fishes

Five little fishes swimming in a pool.
The first one said,
The pool is cool.
The second one said,
The pool is deep.
The third one said,
I want to sleep.
The fourth one said,
Let`s dive and dip.
The fifth one said.
I spy a ship.
The boat comes, and a line goes kerplash.
Away the five little fishies dash!


Відео: Ленінград - Риба / Leningrad - Fish

Four Little Fishes

Four little fishes swimming out to sea,
One met a shark! ...
And then there were three.

Three little fishes wondering what to do,
One hid in a great big shell ...
And then there were two.

Two little fishes looking for some fun,
One chased after a wave ...
And that left one.

Відео: Рік Золотої Рибки / The Year of the Golden Fish. Фільм. StarMedia. містична Мелодрама

One little fish with all his friends gone,
Went back home to find his mum ...
And that left none!


Відео: Домоправитель. Фільм з Російськими і англійськими субтитрами. StarMedia. комедія

Fred and His Fishes

Fred had a fishbowl.
In it was a fish,
Swimming around with a swish, swish, swish!
Fred said, "I know what I will do.
I`ll buy another and that will make two. "
Fred said, "I`m sure it would be
Very, very nice if I just had three. "
Fred said, "If I had one more,
That would make one, two, three, four. "
Fred said, "What fun to see them dive,
One, two, three, four, five. "
How many fishes do you see?
How many fishes? Count them with me!


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